Friday, August 28, 2009

No-Poo update... and other uses for baking soda

Well, it's been several months... and no-poo is going well. Actually, I haven't been consistently using it for the past several months. Whenever I go into the salon they scrub me down with commercial sudsy stuff and I get into a slump for awhile...

Anyway, I'm back at it. I have to wash twice weekly because otherwise I feel the oil slick coming on and feel gross. One of the problems with using shampoo is that you wash all the natural oil out of your hair and your scalp then begins to over-produce oil to keep up. So, it can take 4-6 weeks for the oil production to slow down.

So, for those just starting out, I'd recommend:
  • Patience with the process. It's going to take awhile for your scalp to re-adjust
  • Baking soda in any easy-to-dispense container. I use an old spice container and shake it into my hand during my shower. I do two separate applications of baking soda - first into the front and sides of scalp, and then I shake more baking soda into the palm of my hand and go after the back of my head. I have long hair, so sometimes I flip my head over in the shower to make it easier.
  • Don't use too much baking soda! You'll know when you have because you won't be able to get a comb through your hair afterwards!
  • Keep a gallon of apple cider vinegar right in your bathroom if you have the room. Then you can dispense a couple ounces into a cup and have it ready to go for the rinse. Of course, you want to dilute the a.c.v. in at least 8 ounces of water, something like that.
  • Keep a baseball cap around. :) There will be days that it's easier to duck under a cap than scrub your scalp. And, as much as possible, try to do this only 2-3 times per week. You want your scalp to get used to a regular pattern and to even out oil production. If you keep scrubbing it daily, it will taken longer to re-adjust. The ideal would be to use baking soda/cider once weekly and do water-only washes another time during the week. I haven't arrived yet...
  • When you are feeling a bit oily, you can use a bit of corn starch on your scalp to absorb some of the oil so you will look presentable in public. Just don't dump it on or you'll look quite silly! (Some people recommend Baby Powder, but I do NOT because it has aluminum in it, among other things.)
And while we're talking about personal hygiene and aluminum, it's time to look at your deodorant! Most contain aluminum. Try instead a mixture of equal parts baking soda and olive oil, with a little tea tree or other essential oil added in for pleasantness. Most importantly, though, add in a few drops of grapeseed extract as a natural preservative to keep it fresh.

I never have odor problems when I apply this, and sometimes I can go every-other-day between applications. You will of course perspire, but that's what your pits are designed to do! My biggest complaint would be that you have to stir this mixture every time before application because the baking soda and oil tend to separate. Next round, I am going to use a tall container and put a tongue-depressor type instrument in it so that I can stir it easily before application.

I must give special thanks to my friend Joni for introducting me to both of these great uses for baking soda. Thanks, Joni!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Also wanna be chemical free...

So to this end, I am considering going "no-poo". OK, actually, I tried this yesterday and I'm ready to make a run for it.

Found some helpful tips at this web page:

Friday, January 2, 2009

The Perfect Pumpkin Shake, Really!

This morning's pumpkin-milk-based concoction was delightful. Here's how to duplicate this in your own home:

1/2 can pumpkin puree
3 eggs yolks
4 oz cream (frozen)
4 oz fermented dairy such as kefir
8 oz whole milk
1+ TB of coconut oil
1 tsp (or one cube) of crystallized ginger
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/8 tsp allspice
1/8 tsp cloves
1/2 tsp cinnamon
~2 TB honey

Add all ingredients to blender and blend until smooth.

This is a protein-rich, blood-sugar-stabilizing beverage to get your day off to a great start!