Thursday, December 11, 2008

So I wanna be nutrient dense...

So what exactly does that mean?

Let's flesh it out a bit...

- I don't want to eat stupid, empty calories
- I do want the food I put into my body to nourish it, not tear it down
- I don't want to merely survive, I want to thrive
- I don't want to lean heavily on dietary supplements to meet my nutritional needs
- The point isn't just to fill my belly, but to fuel my body

Why do I care?

- As Stephen Covey recommends, I want to "sharpen the saw" and keep my mind and body healthy so I can be effective in my other pursuits. I think this all starts with what I introduce into that giant tube traversing my body called the gut.
- I am told in Scripture that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and that it is not my own. 1 Cor 6:19. Although the context of the scripture is in a passage exhorting readers to flee sexual immorality, I think I can use it to remind me of the holiness of this vessel God chooses to dwell in: my flesh.
- I enjoy feeling good.
- I do not enjoy popping pills or playing the patient. I have this idea that if I consume nutrient-dense foods, I'll actually save money in the short- and long-term. In the short-term I limit eating out and purchasing pricey processed foods; in the long-term I avoid chronic medical conditions that secure a seat for me in the doctor's office.

What do I want to accomplish?

- I want to learn how to consistently prepare food that nourishes my family... and that also tastes delicious!
- I want to explore living by the 80/20 rule: if 80% of what I consume is nourishing as defined by the WAPF, I can cheat (if I wish) on the other 20%, as long as my health allows. That way I can still enjoy meals others set before me on occasion without excessive internal conflict. All bets off if I'm not feeling well in mind or body.
- I want to have a central location for organizing my thoughts on food, detailing successes and failures in the kitchen, brainstorming notes for teaching nutrition to others, and listing references for all sorts of stuff related to eating a traditional diet.
- I want to be able to measure my progress. What better place than on a blog? I have multiple documented (or shall I say more appropriately undocumented) failures at keeping a paper journal. In contrast I find that often, as in this present moment, my fingers are in cahoots with my brain, eager to keep the rest of me up awake late into the night typing away a swirl of thoughts.
- I want some accountability in this food adventure. Perhaps if I expose my triumphs and failures here, knowing that someone else like G.S. is reading this, it will prod me on to keep up the effort.

There, so that shall end my first post...


Greg said...

Prod. Prod.

Julene said...

I am convicted by your phrase concerning feeding my body foods that build it up, not tear it down. I also like the idea of 80/20; it seems even scriptural when you consider that God made all foods clean, and Paul became all things to people in order to take away any stumbling block to communicating the gospel.